This is my collection, in no particular order, of trusted web sites dedicated to researching the truth about Michael Jackson. All of these various bloggers/authors have spent countless hours reading, researching, compiling, synthesizing and analysing the facts and life of this extraordinary and honorable man. I applaud their efforts to celebrate Michael's life and uncover the truth regarding his tragic and untimely death. I can't thank them enough!!! God bless all of you!!!
"From Atop The Branches of the Giving Tree..." http://gatorgirl277.blogspot.com/
"The Diary of a Fledgling Reporter" http://charlesthomsonjournalist.blogspot.com/
"Aphrodite Jones: Michael Jackson Conspiracy" http://michaeljacksonconspiracy.blogspot.com/
"MJJ-777" http://www.mj-777.com/
"Reflections On The Dance" http://www.reflectionsonthedance.com/
"Vindicating Michael" http://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/
"Trials & Tribulations" http://sprocket-trials.blogspot.com/
"Michael Jackson : Truth versus Lies" http://mjtruthversuslies.blogspot.com/
"Inner Michael - Rev. B. Kaufmann" http://www.innermichael.com/
"MJJ Timeline" http://mjjtimeline.blogspot.com/
"Michael Jackson: And Justice for Some" http://mjandjustice4some.blogspot.com/
"Vindicating Michael-Deborah Ffrench's page" http://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/personal-pages/deborah-ffrenchs-page/
"Joseph Vogel" http://www.joevogel.net/
"A Place In Your Heart" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/a-place-in-your-heart
"The Silenced Truth" http://www.thesilencedtruth.com/